Look Closer – “Mask Lab” Open Workshop
Iris Brugger & Lilla Wicki
In Western art, a portrait has long been regarded as a realistic likeness of a person. But does this hold true on a global level? “Perhaps it is a fundamentally different conception of what the likeness of a person is,” as collector Hans Himmelheber mused while researching art in West Africa – the current exhibition Look Closer displays various masks from the region. Inspired by the expressiveness of such masks, the open workshop uses a wide range of recycled materials to invite participants to look inside themselves, experiment, and create their own portraits in mask form. In the workshop, participants reflect on their emotional state and choose three adjectives that describe their current state of mind. Next, they look for ways to represent their own emotional worlds visually. Finally, all the masks are photographed against a black background and, accompanied by the chosen adjectives, become part of this archive, which will grow continuously for the duration of the Look Closer exhibition’s open workshop.